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Analysis of problems with heat transfer efficiency and pressure drop in plate and shell heat exchangers

2020-06-15 06:45:00 

A device in a long period of operation will have a variety of problems, plate and shell heat exchanger is also the case. There have been customer reactions to its heat exchanger heat transfer efficiency is getting lower and lower, the pressure drop is sometimes high, sometimes low, what is the reason? Well, let's explain today.

plate and shell heat exchanger-reapter (1)

High low pressure drop in heat exchange performance.

Possible causes are dirt or deposits that block the shell and plate paths during use, allowing poor media flow, or the Clogged filters, valves and process controls do not function properly. To determine if the problem is caused by something else in the system, open the filters and check the situation, checking to make sure they are turned on and working properly. work. After that it is necessary to clean and replace the filter, taking the necessary properties such as adjustment or replacement.

Reduced heat transfer efficiency.

The probable cause is the gradual deposition of dirt in the plate and shell processes, which begins with the extraction of the plate bundle and the examination of the heat transfer surface. For all-welded ones, it can be examined by endoscope. If the shell process is clean, the reduced heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchanger is caused by contamination in the plate process. The treatment step is to clean the plate and shell heat exchanger, see our other articles for specific steps.

Low pressure reduction in heat exchange performance.

The likely cause is damage to the deflector block due to pressure shock or unsuitable working fluid, the first thing to do is to check the nameplate on the Check that the temperature, fluid, and nameplate match the data. Check the operating process data and contact us if you have any questions.

On the plate and shell heat exchanger heat transfer efficiency and pressure drop problems on the analysis of the said, regular inspection and maintenance of the equipment, regular observation of data and analysis of data is conducive to extend the service life of plate and shell heat exchanger, you learn?

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