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Location:No.1567,Wangsha Road,Xifuzhen Sub-district, Chengyang District,Qingdao City, China.

Have you chosen the right food grade plate heat exchanger manufacturer?

Have you chosen the right food grade plate heat exchanger manufacturer?

The world is changing rapidly, and global food consumption patterns are also changing.  In 2050, the global population will reach 9.6 billion, so the food industry will play an unprecedentedly important role.  Obviously, this is...

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Qingdao old mechanic reveals how to make scientific selection of plate heat exchanger working conditions

Qingdao old mechanic reveals how to make scientific selection of plate heat exchanger working conditions

Qingdao Ruipute has more than ten years of experience in the production of heat transfer equipment, more than ten years, we through a large number of analysis and practice to come to the conclusion that to choose the most appropriat...

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Where does the high waste heat recovery rate of plate heat exchangers in the production lines of power plants and printing,dyeing plants come from

Where does the high waste heat recovery rate of plate heat exchangers in the production lines of power plants and printing,dyeing plants come from

In the previous article, we discussed the significance of plate heat exchangers in waste heat recovery. This article will take you to see the practical application of plate heat exchangers in working conditions and the secondary use of wast

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Do you know the manufacturer of the plate heat exchanger for waste heat recovery from wastewater?

Do you know the manufacturer of the plate heat exchanger for waste heat recovery from wastewater?

The pulp and paper industry is a major water user. Water saving has always been a very hot topic in the paper industry. Water saving in the paper industry can not only reduce the consumption of fresh water. It can also reduce the dischar...

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Installation, use and maintenance of plate heat exchanger

Installation, use and maintenance of plate heat exchanger

Now the application of plate heat exchanger has been very extensive, for the installation of plate heat exchanger, the use and maintenance of industry experienced engineers to summarize for you. Installation 1、 When lifting,

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What things should I be aware of when replacing plate heat exchanger spare parts?

What things should I be aware of when replacing plate heat exchanger spare parts?

After a long time of use, the heat exchanger may encounter corrosion, water leakage, and poor use, and usually encounter this situation, you need to consider replacing plate heat exchanger spare parts to achieve better results. So, looki...

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