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High-end plate heat exchanger customization, specifically for your special working conditions

High-end plate heat exchanger customization, specifically for your special working conditions

With the expansion of plate heat exchanger application industries and fields, there are more and more special media and special working conditions, ordinary plate heat exchangers can no longer meet the requirements of use, the demand for high-end plate heat exchanger customization is growing, what are the conditions to meet its requirements?

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The working principle of gasket type industrial plate heat exchanger and the scenarios of its use are worth knowing in depth

The working principle of gasket type industrial plate heat exchanger and the scenarios of its use are worth knowing in depth

The boom in all industries requires a wide variety of gasketed industrial plate heat exchangers, and it can be used in virtually all types of industries. Its versatility allows it to be designed and configured for a wide range of applications, from relatively simple, low-demand conditions to very demanding performance requirements. It is primarily used for heating, cooling, heat recovery, condensation and evaporation.

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Still worrying about the wholesale price of industrial plate heat exchangers? An article to make you no longer tangled

Still worrying about the wholesale price of industrial plate heat exchangers? An article to make you no longer tangled

About its price we usually know is related to its working conditions, but there are many people will wonder why the same working conditions, industrial plate heat exchanger wholesale prices are different? Today to introduce the price difference in the end is what factors lead to.

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The original lubricant in the chemical plate heat exchanger plays so many roles!

The original lubricant in the chemical plate heat exchanger plays so many roles!

We all know that the chemical plate heat exchanger its status in the chemical production is widely used. Equipment for a long time to use the machine internal and external cleaning, maintenance, in the maintenance process is the need to use to the lubricant, then I will give you an introduction to the lubricant in the chemical plate heat exchanger can play what role?

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Chemical plate heat exchanger, plate corrosion causes a brief analysis

Chemical plate heat exchanger, plate corrosion causes a brief analysis

Plate heat exchanger for chemical industry has been dominating the heat exchange market in the chemical industry and is widely used. With this, there are also some problems, today we will talk about the plate heat exchanger plate in what circumstances will appear the phenomenon of corrosion.

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Do you know what kind of strength to have to be called a plate heat exchanger manufacturing plant?

Do you know what kind of strength to have to be called a plate heat exchanger manufacturing plant?

With the development of plate heat exchanger technology and materials technology, its application range and industry is becoming more and more extensive, the market demand for plate heat exchangers is very large, the market is flooded with a large number of claims of plate heat exchanger manufacturing plant, with what kind of strength to be called so?

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