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Plate heat exchanger plate quality requirements

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Plate heat exchanger plate quality requirements
Click number:- Release time:2021-03-29

For the plate heat exchanger, a very important part is the plate. Almost all models have plates. When it is produced, it must be strictly in accordance with the requirements to produce high-quality products. Plate heat exchange What are the quality requirements for plate heat exchanger plates?

plate heat exchanger plate

1. The reduction in molding thickness should not be greater than 30% of the original actual plate thickness.

2, the parallelism of the base plane in any direction of the plate heat exchanger is not more than 3/1000 mm.

3. The deviation of the corrugation depth should not be greater than 0.20 mm, and the deviation of the gasket groove depth should not be greater than 0.20 mm.

4. The surface of the plate heat exchanger is not allowed to exceed the thickness tolerance of pits, scratches, indentations and other defects, and the punching burrs must be removed.

5. For plate heat exchanger plates used in the food industry, the roughness of the working surface after stamping should not be lower than that of the original plate.

The plate heat exchanger has a good heat exchange effect in the entire heat exchange equipment. At the same time, the plate heat exchanger platescan play an important role in the equipment. Its quality requirements also require the manufacturer to do it when producing the plate. Pay special attention to the plates when maintaining the equipment. 

【Paper label】:Plate heat exchanger plates

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